Into the Pray
Into the Pray
My Message to Justin Welby, Nicky Gumbel & HTB
Dear All,
You can watch the original YouTube version of this here.
Thank you for listening to Into the Pray, a podcast akin to a growing library of voice-notes helping disciples of Christ around the world to breach the global chaos of the unfaithful Church...because Christ is coming and we are not ready.
Jesus issues a warning of great exclamation in Luke 12 — that we must be very careful to fear Him who has authority to throw us into hell rather than man who can but kill the body. I publish this podcast because I fear Him infinitely more than any man.
PLEASE WATCH/SHARE: Urgent Bible teaching here with all info here.
Nick's reflections on Jordan Peterson & Elon Musk's conversation here.
Mairi speaking about IVF here.
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Please do share these videos on to your networks.
Love, Nick & Mairi
Our flagship content: 🚢 🔥
2023: The Glorious Few
2022: Homosexual Household Disrupted
2022: Repent Now; He Loves You.
2021: Calling YESHUA
2020: The Draft - A Conscription of Conscience
2019: Body Zero - Radical Preparation for the Return of Christ
2018: The Bothy Sessions - Mental Health & the Church
2016: Jesus Come
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