Into the Pray
Into the Pray
The Thing with Keswick & Brephos/CBR-UK…
Dear All,
Thank you for listening to Into the Pray, a podcast akin to a growing library of voice-notes helping disciples of Christ around the world to breach the global chaos of the unfaithful Church...because Christ is coming and we are not ready.
Despite being advertised as such, there is no YouTube version of this podcast but you can watch my message to Justin Welby here and my brief analysis of Tommy Robinson’s reflections on Christianity here.
The right hand of fellowship is an essential safeguard for the darkness that is coming upon the earth. All of us must be better at protecting it.
“However, like a pimp’s walk of shame from one whorehouse to another, it is a ludicrous solution for an adulterous Bride and a false, spawning ‘gospel’, to ignominiously traipse to another brothel in search of fidelity.”
My blog re the sub-radical Catholic conversions of Gavin Ashenden and Michael Nazir-Ali is here.
Dave’s Brephos podcast is here.
Words of T. A-Sparks here.
PLEASE WATCH/SHARE: Urgent Bible teaching here with all info here.
Nick's reflections on Jordan Peterson & Elon Musk's conversation here.
Mairi speaking about IVF here.
You can subscribe to our YouTube channel and tap the "bell" to ensure you don't miss any videos here.
Please do share these videos on to your networks.
Love, Nick & Mairi
Our flagship content: 🚢 🔥
2023: The Glorious Few
2022: Homosexual Household Disrupted
2022: Repent Now; He Loves You.
2021: Calling YESHUA
2020: The Draft - A Conscription of Conscience
2019: Body Zero - Radical Preparation for the Return of Christ
2018: The Bothy Sessions - Mental Health & the Church
2016: Jesus Come
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