Into the Pray

All the Prophets: Elijah at Carmel (feat. David Robertson)

Nick & Mairi Franks Season 4 Episode 18


Thank you for listening to this episode of Into the Pray. Please do consider sharing to your networks for us.

Many thanks to David Robertson for joining us again this week to complete our time looking at the Prophet Elijah.

This second instalment really is quality...a timely conversation for any serious disciple of Christ who's prepared to hearken to the voice of the LORD at this time in history.

You can listen to the first part from last week here.

Next Friday we're also excited to be joined by Michael Nazir-Ali who will be helping us to focus on the Prophet Elisha. This too will be a timely conversation given the instability in Afghanistan and Michael's extensive work within the world of 'radical' Islam.

If you haven’t watched our flagship 2021 film, Calling YESHUA, yet, you can do so here; you can also download the song for free here.

Have you seen, "The Draft - A Conscription of Conscience"? This film is a two-hour conversation about the future of the Church and that closes with an opportunity to take communion. The Draft was recorded before COVID-19 was public and prophetically called for every church in the UK to close its doors. Tragically, much of the Church today still callously bewail its doors ever having been forcibly closed.

You can buy copies of our "manifesto of preparation", Body Zero, here.

Finally, a new YouTube video is available this week entitled, The Terror of the LORD (an Ode to William Booth). You can watch it here.

If you would like to support this podcast and/or our wider work, you can do so here


N&M xx

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