Into the Pray

Clarifying Catholicism (feat. Dave Brennan)

Nick & Mairi Franks Season 4 Episode 20


Thank you for joining us again on Into the Pray!

Our Wednesday session this week spans Midlothian to Cornwall as we resume our weekly conversations with Dave Brennan of Brephos.

As we pivot somewhat from our focus on contraception, we come to the critical issue of the Roman Catholic Church, the largest religious denomination on the planet with approximately 1.3 billion Catholics worldwide (as of 2019).

Is the decision of evangelical Christians like Gavin Ashenden, Ann Widdecombe and Francis Chan, to move towards Catholicism, wise? Is this an acceptable solution to the  gross unfaithfulness rife within Protestantism?

We'll be going into this more next week but please do listen to our initial thoughts as this question emerges today.

If you would like to watch our latest YouTube video - The Terror of the LORD - you can do so here.

Please don't miss our superb conversation with Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali this coming Friday as our season focus on All the Prophets continues. This week's focus is on Elisha.

This thrice-weekly podcast is essentially a faith-based ministry so if you would like to support it (and our wider work) in an ongoing way, please consider doing so here.

Until next week, let's be found praying, "Come, Lord Jesus!"


N&M xx

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