Into the Pray

1 Corinthians (part 34): When Gathering Together is Worse Than Not 🍞 🍷

Nick & Mairi Franks Season 4 Episode 26


Thank you all for listening to this episode today.

If you’d like to take communion please prepare some bread and wine to be ready at the end 🍞 🍷

WARNING: Some of you will find it harder to listen to  this week's episode than others but please try and stick with it until the end. I am aiming for both honesty and integrity, fearing God and not man.

I generally try and keep things as succinct as possible but some matters are sufficiently important that they require more time so as not to gloss over the realities we're reading. This session is slightly longer than normal because I read an except from Body Zero at the end.

Our passage today (11:17-26) includes two verses (11:17, 20) that are sufficiently staggering to our church sensibilities and carnal minds (or they should be!) that they are scarcely believable.

"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons." (10:21)

As I say, my honest view regarding where we collectively find ourselves may be very difficult to hear but please hear me out to the end when I tie things up as we approach the bread and the wine.


This coming Friday I will be speaking with Gavin Ashenden, former Chaplain to the Queen, about his 2019 conversion to Catholicism. In readiness for this you might want to listen to our Wednesday conversations with Dave Brennan (this week and last) entitled, Clarifying Catholicism.

Next month we have Christopher Ash helping us with our season series on "All the Prophets". Author of umpteen books, including one of our faves, Bible Delight, Christopher is something of an authority on the Psalms.

Finally, please would you help us
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