Into the Pray

To The Church in Great Britain [YouTube series] (feat. Nick Franks)

October 08, 2021 Nick & Mairi Franks Season 4 Episode 39

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Thank you very much to you all for listening and especially those who track with us regularly and support our work. If you would like to join our small group of patrons, you can do so here.

Our Friday session this week is the audio version of our new vlog/video series that starts today over on YouTube.  Entitled, 'To The Church In Great Britain', you can subscribe to see the videos here and WATCH the premier here.

PLEASE N.B: 1) the audio from the vlogs will not be featuring here on the podcast after today. 2) Christopher Ash will be on the podcast next Friday with arguably a world-class look at the prophetic significance of the book of Psalms.

To The Church in Great Britain

For a few months now we have wanted to compare and contrast two very popular podcast series with a view of holding high and aloft the reality that Paul thunders in 2 Corinthians 2:11, that we should not be 'unaware of the devil's schemes'.

By focusing on Christianity Today's podcast series, The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill, and the BBC's secular podcast examination of the Waco tragedy in February 1993, End of Days, there are certainly schemes to note and historic lessons to learn.

But are these the schemes and strategies and lessons that we might think strike us as being obvious? We believe that there are more nefarious schemes of Satan hidden beneath the surface.

Join us over the next few months as we showcase probing questions to (and honest responses from) church leaders across Great Britain.

Are you a church leader? Then you will be very conscious of Jesus' terms and conditions in the first three books of Revelation.

This vlog series focuses on Jesus' words in chapter 3:1-3:

Revelation 3:1–3 (ESV)

“‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and STRENGTHEN WHAT REMAINS and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you"

To help us develop this digital media, please would you seriously consider helping us with 3 things:

1) Consider GIVING to our work here;
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Many thanks. 


N&M xx

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