Into the Pray

Top Ten Questions For a 1st Date (feat. Nick & Mairi)

Season 4 Episode 50

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Thank you for listening to Into the Pray.

Next Friday we are being joined by Alisa Childers so we thought it would be fun this Friday to have a relatively light hearted wind down to the weekend.

Listen to us discuss the top ten most common questions for first dates and you might just'll certainly hear some stories that were new to us!

Here's the film, "Paul - Apostle of Christ" - that we mention. I'm sure you can find it easily for rent.

Here's Nick’s short blog regarding what we thought of the film. What do you think?

Thank you very much for your ongoing prayers for healing as we continue to return to full capacity this week. We share more on our Patreon page for those of you who would like to walk this journey more closely with us.

Thank you also for those who have left reviews for us. There are approximately 25 reviews left via iTunes meaning there’s scope for several thousand others! 🙏

If you would like to support our work, you can do so here and/or here. Please also consider sharing this podcast to your networks for us. 

Come, Lord Jesus!


Nick & Mairi xx

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