Into the Pray

The Disruption of Sound Doctrine (feat. Dave Brennan)

• Nick & Mairi Franks • Season 4 • Episode 66


Welcome and thank you to you all for listening to Into the Pray.

This week's penultimate mid-week session of 2021 with Dave Brennan focuses on the book of 2 Timothy and the disruption of sound doctrine.

Please also consider sharing this podcast to your networks for us.

We'll let this podcast speak for itself.

The relevant content/links that we discuss in today's podcast are as follows:

1. Where is this Coming? (video)
2. Fake Prophets Do Not Mean Zero Prophets (info)
3. Is Your Church Faithful? (letter & podcast)
4. Is the Holy Spirit correcting you? (blog & video)

Thank you very much for your ongoing prayers for healing as Nick is still rather sick. The process is not necessarily overnight! We share more on our Patreon page for those of you who would like to walk this journey more closely with us.

If you would like to support our work, (including a full-length audiobook version of Body Zero) you can do so here and/or here.

Our flagship content: 🚢 🔥

2021: Calling YESHUA
2020: The Draft - A Conscription of Conscience
2019: Body Zero - Radical Preparation for the Return of Christ
2018: The Bothy Sessions - Mental Health & the Church
2016: Jesus Come

Come, Lord Jesus!


Nick & Mairi xx

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